In honour of Marie-Louise von Motesiczky’s life, friendships and European heritage, the Trust has made a grant of £500,000 for a new teaching suite as part of the Warburg Renaissance, the capital redevelopment project for the Warburg Institute on Woburn Square, London WC1H 0AB, which forms part of the University of London’s School of Advanced Study. Marie-Louise, like the Warburg Library which came from Hamburg to London in 1933, was an emigré impelled to leave her home in Vienna because of the rise of Nazi Germany; in her case the decisive factor was the annexation of Austria in March 1938. Once she and her mother settled in England in 1939 they were part of an émigré circle that included friendships with several of those connected to the Warburg, most particularly Sir Ernst Gombrich, another Viennese émigré (1936), who became Director of the Warburg Institute from 1959-76 and a great admirer of Marie-Louiseās work.